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Atomic PTC is now Reopened
Published on Nov 09th, 2018 07:07 am

We are happy to be reopened. For those that don’t and really it’s not important but I the owner was having health issues from my car accident injury and at the time with other life things getting in my way as well it was making it hard for me to reach my goals of making sure thing can still run when I’m having my issues. Now things are getting more in place but we ended up losing out dot info top level domain. Here is a Wikipedia for what a top level domain is . Now we are using the dot com which we know was previous owned by a scammer. But nothing I can do about that. Beside I’m trying to make it so we are the only ones with the brand. So I would have bought out the dot com too since the previous owner if doing anything with it. I would like to get the dot info one back but I’ll take it as a loss right now. I think the dot com will stay for Atomic PTC as Atomic PTC to me is my brand and I brought it as a dot info back with a prebuilt site running on Maderite scripts an aurora gpt script.

Anyways, so we are back and I had imported the most reach data from the previous database. Traffic Exchange and fixed ads are gone for the time being as they were purchased for the dot info top level domain for our beloved Atomic PTC. So at the moment I will be doing a lot of back end work so there might not be too much going on as I’m still in the process of import our older brother and my first PTC site Offers And Clicks. So I’m getting ready to open that one and also I now have a PTC site called Epic PTC and a traffic exchange called Rutakus Pixel TE. But I have more sites then that and I work a second job at the moment so time is tight for me to get things done like a design or not.

So please remember if you an old member meaning you have been a member since Atomic PTC was on atomicptc{dot}info (sorry not trying to give traffic to that domain as I want my domain back), you’re an old member you must request a new password. If can’t for whatever reason open a support ticket as public can use support ticket system in case someone want to buy ads but not sign up until we can get that feature purchased

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